Lowongan Kerja Medan Juni 2021 di PT Nestle Indonesia - Lowongan Kerja Medan SMA D3 S1 Tahun 2025
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Kamis, 15 Desember 2016

Lowongan Kerja Medan Juni 2021 di PT Nestle Indonesia

karirmedan.com - Lowongan Kerja Medan Juni 2021 - Saat ini, kami akan membagikan info Lowongan Kerja Terbaru di Medan yakni Lowongan Kerja PT Nestle Indonesia. PT Nestle Indofood Cita Rasa Indonesia adalah sebuah perusahaan yang memproduksi dan memasarkan produk-produk makanan. Perusahaan ini didirikan pada tahun 2005 di Jakarta Selatan. PT Nestle Indofood Cita Rasa Indonesia merupakan anak perusahaan dari PT Indofood CBP Sukses Makmur dan Nestle SA.
PT. Nestle Indofood Cita Rasa Indonesia sekarang membutuhkan tenaga baru guna ditempatkan pada posisi :

Nestlé Management Trainee 2021

Nestlé Indonesia hires outstanding graduates for Nestlé Management Trainee Program in different business streams. As an NMT, you will follow a comprehensive 24 months program that aims to grow high-performing talents that possess adaptive skills and growth mindset in order to become the future leaders of Nestlé.​​

The program consists of 3 (three) phases with regular evaluation stages. We leverage on a holistic approach to people development as we believe that 100% development impact can be achieved if we combine Experience, Networks, and Education based approaches. By the end of the program; you are expected to be prime candidates for the future leadership roles who share our company values rooted in respect and standout with your own distinctive strengths.​

1. Onboarding​

(Phase 1: 1 month)

Full in house-training to expose trainees about Nestlé and our principles, values and business conduct.

2. Immersion

(Phase 2: 3 month)

Deeper exposure to end-to-end value chain of our business.

3. Advancing: Exposure

(Phase 3: 20 month)

Assignment in chosen area.

Stream Qualification

  • Human Resource: Any background
  • Sales: Any background
  • Marketing: Any background
  • Supply Chain: Any Engineering background (Sarjana Teknik)
  • Finance: Accounting or Finance Management background
  • Technical: Any Engineering background (Sarjana Teknik)
  • Corporate Affairs: Law background
  • Information Technology: IS/IT or any Engineering background

Who & What are we looking for?

  • A bachelor’s degree with maximum 2 years of full-time working experience
  • Leadership experiences in campus or student organization
  • Growth mindset, resilience and flexibility to adapt with the rapid business changes.
  • Strong business acumen and willingnes to learn continuosly
  • Excellent verbal, written and presentation skill in English
  • Able to work independently and in a team, as well as staying productive in a virtual working environtment

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