Lowongan Kerja Medan Terbaru Mei 2019 di PT Telkom Indonesia - Lowongan Kerja Medan SMA D3 S1 Tahun 2025
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Friday, 14 March

Selasa, 14 Mei 2019

Lowongan Kerja Medan Terbaru Mei 2019 di PT Telkom Indonesia

karirmedan.com - Lowongan Kerja Medan Mei 2019 - Sebelum mengirim lamaran kerja, pasti Anda akan membuat CV (Curriculum Vitae) alias daftar riwayat hidup terlebih dahulu. Jika Anda butuh inspirasi atau contoh daftar riwayat hidup agar Anda bisa melamar dengan benar, teruskan baca artikel bermanfaat ini. CV dalam bahasa Indonesia berarti daftar riwayat hidup, atau dalam versi singkatnya biasa disebut resume. Sesuai dengan namanya, maka CV berupa isian data diri yang berkaitan dengan hal yang penting dan patut diketahui oleh orang yang dituju. CV yang dikirim ke sebuah institusi atau perusahaan guna melamar kerja akan dinilai menurut isinya. Tapi, sebagian orang hanya terfokus pada isi CV yang formal tanpa mempertimbangkan daya tarik dari CV yang dibuat. Untuk mahasiswa yang baru lulus, dan sudah sering sekali mengiirim CV ke perusahaan-perusahaan, tapi satu pun tidak ada yang berhasil. Sepertinya CV Anda ada yang salah. Bayangkan setiap kali Anda melamar dan menaruh CV, berapa orang yang melakukan hal yang sama seperti Anda dan berharap kalau CV mereka juga diterima. Sedangkan posisi yang dibutuhkan hanya satu atau dua orang. Untuk mendapatkan jabatan yang terbatas itu, Anda harus bersaing dengan ratusan atau bahkan ribuan orang. Nah, kuncinya, CV yang Anda buat harus menarik, kalau bisa, Anda harus membuat orang HRD perusahaan itu melotot dan tidak sanggup untuk menolak Anda.Kita berlaih pada sebuah info Lowongan Kerja Terbaru di Medan yaitu di PT Telkom.

Telkom merupakan BUMN yang bergerak di bidang jasa layanan telekomunikasi dan jaringan di wilayah Indonesia dan karenanya tunduk pada hukum dan peraturan yang berlaku di Indonesia. Dengan statusnya sebagai Perusahaan milik negara yang sahamnya diperdagangkan di bursa saham, pemegang saham mayoritas Perusahaan adalah Pemerintah Republik Indonesia sedangkan sisanya dikuasai oleh publik. Saham Perusahaan diperdagangkan di BEI, NYSE, LSE dan Public Offering Without Listing (“POWL”) di Jepang. Riwayat singkat Telkom dari tahun ke tahun dapat dilihat pada bagian “Sejarah Panjang Menempa Kami”.Saat ini Telkom membuka Lowongan Kerja untuk menempati posisi sebagai berikut:

  • Minimum of 2 year experience as SRE/DevOps.
  • Preferable having a national / international certificate from trusted institutions recognized by professional organizations.
  • Strong passion in technology, programming & software development.
  • Humble culture, zero egos, and excellent collaborative spirit. We are all here to learn together and grow together as a team.
  • Eagerness to learn, eagerness to help, eagerness to share.
  • Very good analytical and logical thinking.
  • Good experience in solutions for high performance, scalability, reliability, microservices, SaaS architecture.
  • Very good experience in using continuous integration tools such as Jenkins, Gitlab-CI, etc.
  • Very good experience using cloud service such as AWS, Azure, GCP, etc.
  • Good in scripting using Python, Bash scripting.
  • Experience with automation/configuration management using either Puppet, Chef, etc.
  • Very good understanding in linux environment.
  • Good experience using infrastructure as a code tools such as Teraform, Ansible, etc.
  • Experienced using Docker, Kubernetes, or other tools for containerization such as OpenShift.
  • Good knowledge about database either SQL or NoSQL.
  • Good Practice using Gitflow.
  • Familiarity with test driven development.


  • At least 2 years working experience in related fields.
  • Preferable having a national / international certificate from trusted institutions recognized by professional organizations.
  • Strong passion in technology & software development.
  • Humble culture, zero egos, and excellent collaborative spirit. We are all here to learn together and grow together as a team.
  • Eagerness to learn, eagerness to help, eagerness to share.
  • Good analytical and logical thinking.
  • Good communication and team work.
  • Fluent using Swagger or Apiary.
  • Experienced in using Confluence / Wiki.
  • Good Knowledge of Database.
  • Good Knowledge of API.
  • Good Knowledge of Agile Methodology such as Scrum or Kanban.
  • Expert in pseudocode.
  • Expert in UML Design.
  • Expert in ERD and Flowchart.
  • Familiarity with user guide, system documentation, testing documentation, architectural documentation.


  • At least 2 years working experience in related fields.
  • Preferable having a national / international certificate from trusted institutions recognized by professional organizations.
  • Strong passion in technology & software development.
  • Humble culture, zero egos, and excellent collaborative spirit. We are all here to learn together and grow together as a team.
  • Eagerness to learn, eagerness to help, eagerness to share.
  • Good analytical and logical thinking.
  • Good communication and team work.
  • Fluent using Kobiton and Appium.
  • Fluent using Groovy.
  • Experienced in using Device Farms.
  • Experienced in using Katalon.
  • Good Knowledge of Database.
  • Good Knowledge of API.
  • Good Knowledge of Agile Methodology such as Scrum or Kanban.
  • Good Knowledge of UML.
  • Good Knowledge of ERD and Flowchart.
  • Familiarity with some tools such as TestRail, JMeter, SonarQube, and Nessus.
  • Be able to create Test Documentation / Reporting.


  • Minimum of 2 years experience as scrum master.
  • Preferable having a national / international certificate from trusted institutions recognized by professional organizations.
  • Strong passion in technology & software development.
  • Humble culture, zero egos, and excellent collaborative spirit. We are all here to learn together and grow together as a team.
  • Eagerness to learn, eagerness to help, eagerness to share.
  • Good analytical and logical thinking.
  • Firm grasp in object-oriented, functional, or event-driven programming practices.
  • Expert level facilitation and communication skills: ability to facilitate teams through tough conversations and maintain a positive and supportive team environment.
  • Ability to respond quickly, flexibly and positively to change, using it as an opportunity to learn, develop, practice and support the organization.
  • Capable of defining problems, collecting data, establishing fact, drawing conclusions and recommending solutions.
  • Thorough understanding of the software development lifecycle.
  • Experience as QA or software developer.
  • Must be self-motivated as well as creative and efficient in proposing solutions to complex, time-critical problems.


  • Minimum of 5 years experience in advanced technologies as an architect / lead.
  • Preferable having a national / international certificate from trusted institutions recognized by professional organizations.
  • Strong passion in technology, programming & software development.
  • Humble culture, zero egos, and excellent collaborative spirit. We are all here to learn together and grow together as a team.
  • Eagerness to learn, eagerness to help, eagerness to share.
  • Firm grasp of algorithms, algorithmic complexities, design patterns and principles, clean code, and pragmatic aspects of programming.
  • Very good analytical and logical thinking.
  • Firm grasp in object-oriented, functional, or event-driven programming practices.
  • Good experience in designing solutions for high performance, scalability, reliability, microservices, SaaS architecture.
  • Very good experience in building large-scale web apps/services/APIs.
  • Very good experience using cloud service such as AWS, Azure, etc.
  • Knowledge of information technologies (Database, Business Intelligence, Infrastructure, Networks, Web & Integration software).
  • Good experience in mobile development.
  • Broad understanding of technologies and has experience in implementation methodologies, software development life cycle process, and project management
  • Experienced using Docker & CI/CD deployment.
  • Good Knowledge and experience in NodeJS, Golang, or Python.
  • Very good knowledge of SQL / NoSQL.
  • Good Practice using Gitflow.
  • Familiarity with test driven development.


  • At least 2 years working experience in related fields.
  • Preferable having a national / international certificate from trusted institutions recognized by professional organizations.
  • Strong passion in technology, programming & software development.
  • Humble culture, zero egos, and excellent collaborative spirit. We are all here to learn together and grow together as a team.
  • Eagerness to learn, eagerness to help, eagerness to share.
  • Firm grasp of algorithms, algorithmic complexities, design patterns and principles, clean code, and pragmatic aspects of programming.
  • Good analytical and logical thinking.
  • Experience with web accessibility, cross-browser compatibility issues, and frontend performance optimizations.
  • Basic graphic design skills (i.e. Adobe Photoshop or similar)
  • Knowledge of Unix/Linux environments and CLI.
  • Knowledge and experience with Sass or LESS.
  • Knowledge and experience with ReactJS or VueJS.
  • Good Knowledge of RESTFul API.
  • Good Practice using Gitflow.
  • Familiarity with test driven development.


  • At least 2 years working experience in related fields.
  • Preferable having a national / international certificate from trusted institutions recognized by professional organizations.
  • Strong passion in technology, programming & software development.
  • Humble culture, zero egos, and excellent collaborative spirit. We are all here to learn together and grow together as a team.
  • Eagerness to learn, eagerness to help, eagerness to share.
  • Firm grasp of algorithms, algorithmic complexities, design patterns and principles, clean code, and pragmatic aspects of programming.
  • Good analytical and logical thinking.
  • Good Practice using Gitflow.
  • Good Knowledge of RESTFul APIs.
  • Good Knowledge of Javascript, HTML, and CSS.
  • Familiarity with Test Driven Development.
  • Experienced in using remote data sources, third party libraries, API’s, and webservices
  • Preferably good knowledge of using Bitrise / Nevercode.

Tata Cara Pelamaran
Apabila Anda tertarik pada Loker Medan Mei 2019 ini, silakan daftarkan diri Anda secepatnya di sini: DAFTAR paling lambat  tanggal 15 Juli 2019.
Semoga informasi loker Medan terbaru ini bermafaat untuk Anda semua. Jangan lupa untuk membagikan informasi ini kepada teman atau kerabat yang membutuhkan. Sekian dan terima kasih.

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