Lowongan Kerja Medan Terbaru Mei 2020 di PT Chevron Corporate - Lowongan Kerja Medan SMA D3 S1 Tahun 2025
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Kamis, 21 Mei 2020

Lowongan Kerja Medan Terbaru Mei 2020 di PT Chevron Corporate

karirmedan.com - Lowongan Kerja Medan Mei 2020 -  Bagi Anda yang tengah patah semangat, berikut ini kami bagikan kata-penyemangat untuk mendongkrak semangat Anda. Ayo kita simak! Anda bukan sampah, jadi jangan merasa seperti dirumu adalah sampah. Anda adalah manusia unik dan tak akan pernah tergantikan. (Firework, semua lirik Firework sebenarnya inspiratif sekali bagi siapapun yang merasa sedang putus asa dan kehilangan kepercayaan diri).
Cara memulai segala sesuatu adalah berhenti bicara dan mulai melakukan sesuatu (Walt Disney).
Waktu hidup Anda sangat sedikit. Jadi tak usah membandingkan hidup Anda dengan orang lain. (Steve Jobs).
Orang sering bilang kalau motivasi tak akan bertahan lama. Well, mandi juga tak bertahan lama kan? Tapi kita toh terus saja mandi! (Zig Ziglar).
Kalau ada yang bilang Anda tidak bisa melukis, maka lakukan ini: ambil kuas dan kanvas, lalu melukislah sampi orang itu diam. (Vincent Van Gogh).
Saat sebuah kesempatan tertutup, ada kesempatan lain yang terbuka. Sayangnya, kita lebih sering menyesali kesempatan yang tertutup daripada menyongsong kesempatan yang terbuka (Alexander Graham Bell). Apa sih pengalaman itu? Pengalaman adalah… suatu kejadian di mana manusia melakukan kesalahan! Oscar Wilde. Kesuksesan seseorang ditentukan dari kemampuannya untuk bangun di pagi hari lalu melakukan hal yang ingin dilakukannya sampai tiba saatnya tidur.
Berikut ini kami bagikan informasi Lowongan Kerja Terbaru 2020 dari PT Chevron. Chevron Corporation merupakan salah satu perusahaan energi terbesar dunia asal Amerika. Berkantor pusat di San Ramon, California, AS dan aktif di lebih dari 180 negara, Chevron bergerak dalam setiap aspek industri minyak dan gas, termasuk eksplorasi dan produksi; pengilangan, pemasaran, dan transportasi; produksi kimia dan penjualan; dan pembangkit listrik. Chevron memiliki fasilitas di 90 negara. Chevron adalah satu dari enam perusahaan minyak dunia, pada tahun 2013 ia menempati posisi ke-11 dalam daftar Fortune Global 500 untuk perusahaan terbesar di dunia.
Energi alternatif yang diproduksi Chevron yaitu geotermal, energi surya, angin, bahan bakar nabati, sel solar, dan hidrogen. Tahun 2011-2013, Chevron berencana menghabiskan 2 miliar dolar AS untuk penelitian dan akuisisi perusahaan energi terbarukan. Chevron mengklaim diri sebagai produsen energi geotermal terbesar dunia.
Chevron perusahaan yang didirikan pada tahun 1879 di Pico Canyon, California dengan nama Standard Oil Company of California atau Socal. Pada 2001, Chevron bergabung dengan Texaco untuk membentuk ChevronTexaco. Pada 9 Mei 2005, ChevronTexaco mengumumkan akan melepas moniker Texaco dan kembali ke nama Chevron. Texaco akan tetap menjadi sebuah merek di bawah perusahaan Chevron.
Chevron membuka rekrutmen untuk mengisi posisi sebagai:

1. Project Engineer

  • Minimum experience 4 years or more of relevant experiences especially in oil and gas, or 5 years working in oil & gas will be an advantage.
  • Minimum Bachelor’s Degree or Master’s Degree with GPA: 2.75 in the area of Mechanical, Civil, Electrical & Power, Instrument & Control, Process Engineer, and Chemical engineering.
  • Have Experience and knowledge in project activities, tool and processes. Lead coordination involving stakeholders to mitigate or resolve project issue. Responsible for meeting project performance targets, VOWD and RAPP metric and PSM metric.
  • Have a PMP (Project Management Professional) Certified will be advantage.
  • Able to work with support groups and peers with multiple reporting relationships.
  • Able to interface and work with various stakeholder.
  • Excellence in establish effective relationships with multicultural people in diverse organization.
  • Excellence to demonstrate the highest standard of integrity and ethical conduct, and to build & maintain trust, respect and support others.
  • Fluent in English (verbal and written communication) and fluency in Microsoft Office (Ms Word, Ms. Excel & PowerPoint) as well as computer literacy.
  • Have willingness to be relocated to all Company operations locations in Indonesia.

2. Project Manager

  • Minimum experience 8 years or more of relevant experiences especially in oil and gas, or 5 years’ experience in Major/Small Capital Project execution activities, including management for portfolio of projects in Oil and Gas, brownfield and/or greenfield, various complex projects in all stages in the portfolio will be an advantage.
  • Minimum Bachelor’s Degree with GPA: 2.75 in the area of Mechanical, Civil, Electrical & Power, Instrument & Control, Process Engineer, and Chemical engineering.
  • Have experience in Facilities Engineering, Construction Management and Project Management.
  • Have experience in managing contractor performance against schedule, cost control, management of change and QA/QC.
  • Able to manage intensive interface with key stakeholders in resolving Land Indemnification /Land Encroachment issues and/or in managing construction activities nearby community areas.
  • Excellent in establish effective relationships with multicultural people in diverse organization.
  • Excellent to demonstrate the highest standard of integrity and ethical conduct, and to build & maintain trust, respect and support others.
  • Fluent in English (verbal and written communication) and fluency in Microsoft Office (Ms Word, Ms. Excel & PowerPoint) as well as computer literacy.
  • Have willingness to be relocated to all Company operations locations in Indonesia.

3. Site Readiness Coordinator – HO

  • Minimum experience 4 years or more of relevant experiences especially in oil and gas, or minimum 5 years working in the drilling / workover operations experience will be an advantage.
  • Minimum Diploma Degree with GPA: 2.75 in the area of engineering.
  • Able to coach and mentor a diverse staff (field personnel, contract supervisors and peer employees). Ability to effectively influence outside of his or her functional area, working with drilling and completions, operations, maintenance, construction, and others. Accepts accountability and drives performance results.
  • Have experience in onshore field operations, maintenance, construction, and/or HES is required. Demonstrated technical depth and field experience with Contractor Safety, Permit to Work, Managing Safe Work, Motor Vehicle Safety, rig move-in conditions and move-out conditions. Familiar with LOTO and isolation of hazardous energy.
  • Able in verbal and written communication skills ability to communicate at all levels in the organization. Demonstrated ability to coach and mentor the workforce (Company and Business Partner/Contractor) to grow competency in Safe Work Practices.
  • Strong in organizational skills and effective management of tasks and deadlines. Capability to effectively manage diverse projects. Demonstrated ability to manage multiple high priority tasks and multiple people concurrently.
  • Excellence in establish effective relationships with multicultural people in diverse organization.
  • Excellence to demonstrate the highest standard of integrity and ethical conduct, and to build & maintain trust, respect and support others.
  • Fluent in English (verbal and written communication) and fluency in Microsoft Office (Ms Word, Ms. Excel & PowerPoint) as well as computer literacy.
  • Have willingness to be relocated to all Company operations locations in Indonesia.

4. Earth Scientist

  • Minimum experience 4 years or more of relevant experiences especially in oil and gas, or 4 years in Oil & Gas industry experience will be an advantage.
  • Minimum Bachelor’s Degree or Master’s Degree with GPA: 2.75 in the area of Geology and Geophysics.
  • Have experience in all aspects of development geology: geologic workflows, infill concept development, waterflood development and optimization, depositional processes, geological correlations, reservoir characterization, seismic interpretation, well log interpretation & opportunity identification.
  • Able to demonstrate project management experience & application. Have high competency in other key areas: SKK Migas influencing and collaboration, AFE development, capital & cost management small capital project look backs.
  • Able to clearly express ideas, thoughts and concepts verbally, in written form, and PowerPoint presentation materials. Interface with team members, peers, and management on frequent basis. Effectively communicate in all directions. Demonstrated ability to effectively network and collaborate across organizational and functional boundaries.
  • Able to undertake Well Maturation Coordinator role which involves a high degree of interaction and communication with numerous stakeholders. Sees gaps well ahead of time and escalates issues in a timely fashion.
  • Excellence in establish effective relationships with multicultural people in diverse organization.
  • Excellence to demonstrate the highest standard of integrity and ethical conduct, and to build & maintain trust, respect and support others.
  • Fluent in English (verbal and written communication) and fluency in Microsoft Office (Ms Word, Ms. Excel & PowerPoint) as well as computer literacy.
  • Have willingness to be relocated to all Company operations locations in Indonesia.

5. Petroleum Engineer

  • Minimum experience 4 years or more of relevant experiences especially in oil and gas, or 4 years in Oil & Gas industry experience will be an advantage.
  • Minimum Bachelor’s Degree or Master’s Degree with GPA: 2.75 in the area of Petroleum or Chemical engineering.
  • Have knowledge and understand of Petroleum engineering fundamentals, production operations, completions, artificial lift, well integrity, nodal analysis, IPM, decline analysis, forecasting. Experience in waterflood optimization. Track record of ingenuity and finding innovative solutions highly regarded. Capable of taking ownership and delivering on ad-hoc projects to support business needs.
  • Able to demonstrate project management experience & application. Have high competency in other key areas: SKK Migas influencing and collaboration, AFE development, capital & cost management small capital project look backs.
  • Able to clearly express ideas, thoughts and concepts verbally, in written form, and PowerPoint presentation materials. Interface with team members, peers, and management on frequent basis. Effectively communicate in all directions. Demonstrated ability to effectively network and collaborate across organizational and functional boundaries.
  • Able to undertake Well Maturation Coordinator role which involves a high degree of interaction and communication with numerous stakeholders. Sees gaps well ahead of time and escalates issues in a timely fashion.
  • Excellence in establish effective relationships with multicultural people in diverse organization.
  • Excellence to demonstrate the highest standard of integrity and ethical conduct, and to build & maintain trust, respect and support others.
  • Fluent in English (verbal and written communication) and fluency in Microsoft Office (Ms Word, Ms. Excel & PowerPoint) as well as computer literacy.
  • Have willingness to be relocated to all Company operations locations in Indonesia.

6. Contract Advisor

  • Minimum experience 4 years or more of relevant experiences especially in oil and gas, or and have 12 years’ experience in a similar role will be an advantage.
  • Minimum Bachelor’s Degree with GPA: 2.75 in relevant fieldor Master’s Degree is an advantage.
  • In-depth knowledge of procurement regulations, contract documents, and legal specifications.
  • Have outstanding negotiation and interpersonal skills. And able to resolve client complaints and concerns.
  • Certified PTK 007 is a must.
  • Excellence in establish effective relationships with multicultural people in diverse organization.
  • Excellence to demonstrate the highest standard of integrity and ethical conduct, and to build & maintain trust, respect and support others.
  • Fluent in English (verbal and written communication) and fluency in Microsoft Office (Ms Word, Ms. Excel & PowerPoint) as well as computer literacy.
  • Have willingness to be relocated to all Company operations locations in Indonesia. 

Tata Cara Pelamaran
Bagi Anda yang berminat pada Lowongan Kerja Terbaru 2020 ini, silakan daftarkan diri Anda di sini: DAFTAR 
Semoga informasi ini bermanfaat bagi Anda semua. Jangan lupa untuk membagikannya kepada teman atau kerabat yang membutuhkan. Sekian dan terima kasih.

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