Lowongan Kerja Medan April 2021 di PT Cipta Kridatama - Lowongan Kerja Medan SMA D3 S1 Tahun 2025
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Tuesday, 18 March

Jumat, 03 Juli 2020

Lowongan Kerja Medan April 2021 di PT Cipta Kridatama

karirmedan.com - Lowongan Kerja Medan April 2021 - Berikut ini kami bagikan informasi Lowongan Kerja Terbaru 2021 dari PT Cipta Kridatama. PT Cipta Kridatama didirikan 8 April 1997 sebagai pengembangan dari jasa penyewaan dan penggunaan alat berat PT Trakindo Utama. Industri tambang Indonesia yang tumbuh pesat mendorong perusahaan mengubah haluan bisnis ke jasa pertambangan terpadu “dari tambang hingga pelabuhan’’ pada 2003.
Saat ini PT Cipta Kridatama kembali membuka lowongan kerja sebagai :

Engineer Geotechnical


  • Create both a system of monitoring and geothecnical studies to prevent avalanches from happening
  • Created an assessment geotechnical project that can be used by both mine plan and operational in the mining work
  • Optimize the implementation of geotechnical to safely and make a plan the removal of the necessary geotechnical data in the implementation of mining operations or operations on particular projects or areas, both for active projects and for new project development
  • Meeting with client related, provision / acquisition of geotechnical data for use in a analysis
  • Responsibility to preparing and providing geoengineering recommendations
  • Give a recommendation if needed on the other side (vendor/ settlement)
  • Providing a periodic progress report based daily, weekly or monthly, and reporting to Head of PPNC or HO
  • To assist Head of PPNC in analyzing staff needs and to propose organization planning
  • To do the needed innovation and development of work programs and operations in its sub-division
  • Make a SOP ( monitoring and implementation of geotechnical )


  • Min. Bachelor Degree in Geological / Mining Engineering
  • At least 3 years of experience in a similiar position
  • Preferably understanding the litology of rock & factor that affected the stability of the slope
  • POP Cerficate is must
  • Prewith advanced proficials in using geotech slide software, phase, surpac, mine scape
  • Willing to be placed on the Meulaboh (Aceh) Site Project

Analyst Equipment Health


  • Planning, controlling and evaluating the administrative process (completeness of data, input and updating of technical data) in the CMOS program and discussing alternative solutions to problems faced in the CMOS system.
  • Planning, compiling and coordinating with related parties regarding the availability of spare parts and manpower, scheduling maintenance and repairs in accordance with data and information on the CMOS program.
  • Evaluating, reviewing and checking weekly reports on the implementation of preventive maintenance (PM) and corrective maintenance (CM), types of damage to units, use of spare parts and others that have been implemented.
  • Evaluate the maintenance plan of the head office and compile a monthly maintenance plan.
  • Develop a maintenance scheduling system and discuss solutions to problems found in the implementation of maintenance.
  • Planning, coordinating and recommending the determination of critical parts and parts needed by considering cost efficiency.
  • Coordinate and monitor the implementation of lubricant and oil sampling according to the amount assigned to the relevant section, provide reports and recommendations on the results of sample analysis.
  • Evaluating and reviewing reports on the results of laboratory test analysis (SOS) and identifying indications of damage to the unit


  • Min. Diploma’s Degree from Mechanical Engineering, Industry, Electronics
  • 3 years experience in the same position
  • Experience in handling mobile equipment (wheel / track) maintenance, especially for CATTERPILAR units
  • Have the ability to effectively plan and determine work priorities to meet deadlines. Has in-depth experience in evaluating and reviewing laboratory test analysis reports (SOS) and identifying indications of damage to the unit
  • Willing to be placed on the Meulaboh, Aceh  Site Project

Tata Cara Pelamaran

Apabila Anda berminat silakan kirim berkas lamaran Anda ke:

recruitment@ciptakridatama.co.id Dengan subject: Posisi yang dilamar

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