Lowongan Kerja D3/S1 Medan April 2021 di PT Sasa Inti Tbk - Lowongan Kerja Medan SMA D3 S1 Tahun 2025
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Lowongan Kerja D3/S1 Medan April 2021 di PT Sasa Inti Tbk

 karirmedan.com - Lowongan Kerja Medan April 2021 - PT Sasa Inti adalah perusahaan yang menjalankan bisnis usahanya dalam bidang bumbu makanan yang memproduksi MSG di Indonesia, hingga kini menjadi salah satu merek lokal yang mampu memimpin pasar lokal maupun internasional. Bukan hanya di MSG namun juga pada produk-produk lainnya seperti, tepung bumbu, santan, dan juga produk Sasa lainnya, yang telah diterima pasar. Memiliki slogan ‘Sasa Melezatkan’ Sasa seakan sudah menjadi sahabat masakan rumah karena menjadi bumbu dapur yang memberikan kelezatan setiap sajian yang dimasak dan dapat digunakan secara praktis sehingga merek ini sudah menjadi bagian dari aktivitas memasak sehari-hari.

Sasa membuka rekrutmen sebagai:

1. WWTP Supervisor

Qualifications :

  • Minimum S1 Any Major
  • Have exprience 3 year in WWTP
  • Understand online enviroment reporting
  • Familiar with ISO and Eniviroment Management system
  • Able to communicate in English (passive)
  • Computer literate (Word, Excel, Powerpoint)
  • Placement at PT Sasa Inti Minahasa Selatan, Sulawesi Utara
  • Having a positive attitude of Courage, Action-oriented Respectful and Enthusiasm

Responsibilities :

  • Ensure the well-balanced waste is in accordance with pollution’s in and out of B3 lanfill
  • Ensure the output of waste released to enviroment from WWTP installation is accordance with the required quality standard
  • Control and record water utilization in the factory area
  • Perform enviroment patrol related to water usage management
  • Ensure B3 waste transportation process is in accordance with standard
  • Ensure all waste/pollution as the result of production activities in the factory (B3 waste) is well managed based on local government/regulation standard and there is no contamination/pollution of B3 waste in factory neighborhood

2. Demand/Supply Planning Admin Staff

Qualifications :

  • Minimum Bachelor’s Degree or Diploma Holder from reputable university in any discipline
  • Proficient in MS Office (Ms Excel)
  • Proficient in administrative work
  • Honest and conscientious
  • Having a positive attitude of Courage, Action-oriented Respectful and Enthusiasm

Responsibilities :

  • Handle shipment administration for OEM direct shipment
  • Monitor OEM outstanding Purchase Order
  • Compile the shipment monitoring documents from all sources
  • Monitor STD vs PO vs Fulfilment
  • Monitor the delivery of RMPMFG

Tata Cara Pelamaran

Apabila Anda berminat silakan kirim berkas lamaran Anda ke:

hrd@sasainti.co.id Subject Email : Posisi Yang Dilamar

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