karirmedan.com - Lowongan Kerja Medan Desember 2021 - Saat ini kami bagikan informasi Lowongan Kerja Terbaru 2021 dari Yes 248. At YES248, we are all about passion & passion is what drives our business.
Whether it is brewing your coffee or serving your meal, you can be sure that it is all made with passion.
Our passion keeps our extraodinary service going & fuels the creativity for our food creation while inspiring the innovation of more amazing new products.
Yes 248 membuka rekrutmen untuk mengisi posisi sebagai:
Application Developer
Lulusan D3/S1
Paham tentang pemrograman
Paham tentang Core Python, ORM, dan SQL
Tata Cara Pelamaran
Jangan lupa follow IG kami @karirmedan1 dan FB Lowongan Kerja Cpns Bumn (JL)
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